Thursday, April 12, 2012

First Go

This is my first blogging experience outside of social networks. Being a married,  stay at home mom of a toddler, I never felt I had much to say that hadn't already been said. I love my son, oooh guess what he did today, yadda yadda. I'll try and keep that for my Facebook friends. 

BUT thanks to Pinterest,  I have recently discovered a love (maybe obsession) for all things nail

I spent my entire life being mocked for my chewed stumpy finger nails. I knew that it wasn't attractive, but I had no inspiration to make me stop. I chewed my nails down to nothing, seriously, nothing. I tried to quit a couple times, but my nails were weak and would break, so it would be back to the same thing a month later. Plus, I thought, how on earth would my nails ever be able to look like nails in pictures when I've bitten them down to the cuticle for 24 years. Somehow, I managed to do the impossible...I have nails I am proud of. It is a great feeling to not hide my hands.

In a six year time span I owned ONE polish. What was the point of buying them when i had nothing to paint? I forced my self to try something different, just buy them. Now when i look at my first buys, i laugh because i had no taste in nail polish. My collection has grown, and will continue to long as my husband doesn't cut me off! At least I try to only buy clearance...

Now that I've successfully grown out my nails and replaced my chewing habit with a filing and painting habit, I'm also getting into attempting nail art. I ordered a set of brushes and have tried a few different things. All laughable at this point. 

BUT I will get better, and that's why I decided to start this blog. So all of you ladies who didn't think pretty nails were in the cards can see that it is possible. 

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