Monday, April 23, 2012

Guilty of New Polish

Guilty of giving in and buying new polishes.  

OK first, I am having a huge problem with breaking my nails and I have had to file the others down to try and blend them in. This had made me not want to post pictures because my nails look awful. I even did a color in between this and my last post, but it looked so bad it wasnt worth sharing. I am wondering if its because I changed the shape of them? I went from their natural curve to squaring them off. Does that make a difference, because I will definitely go back if it does! help! 

Second, I caved. A mix between, breaking several nails, an ulta coupon and a sale of buy 2 get on 1 free led me astray from my goal of not buying any new polishes until all the old ones were used at least once. Ashamed to say that I just did a count and I bought 10 since I made the promise to myself. ....O well...i'll look on the bright side, more polish for me :)

These are Zoya-"Opal" and Essie-"Pretty Edgy". When I got the Essie home I realized it was very close in shade to my Orly-"Lucky Duck"  I need to stop getting greens. For some reason they take up the largest portion of my collection and I'm not even a huge fan lol 

Application was smooth. Took 2 coats and as essie usually is, very shiny even before the topcoat. This is my first zoya!

Looks good on! I like it so much I may just leave it on for another day. I even got a package from amazon today with my stamping plates in it, which i am dying to try! That should be an interesting post. I dont know anyone who does it so I will just have to watch youtube to figure out the tips and tricks!

Sorry for the lack of pictures, but my nails aren't very inspiring right now.

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