Friday, April 20, 2012

"No Polish Left Behind" Pt.2

Pt. 2 

I actually had a hard time choosing which polish to try out next. I ended up choosing Essie-"Brooch the Subject" (very odd name) I figured since I had just taken off some bright neons, i could go the opposite and go nude. This is not a color in my character, it was a clearance buy for 3 dollars. I'm such a sucker for them when they are that cheap. I have had it for about 2 months. I always tell myself that someday, I may have a use for it, and that's how they get left behind. Being a stay at home mom, I go nowhere and do nothing. Haha. So basically I do my nails for myself instead of having to match them to and outfit or event. I either need to learn to love them all equally or stop buying polishes I don't fall head of heals for. 

I had a ridiculously hard time with this color. It wasn't the polish, (unless i can blame its very slow dry time), I just kept bumping my nails. I had to repaint 3 times while waiting for the second coat to dry so I could add in some sparkle. I got so frustrated, I said screw it and went to bed with unpainted nails.  

With NO sparkles.

Without anything over the top of it it felt very "latte."

I added in China Glaze-"Fairy Dust" for a little something to catch the eye because the Essie polish was so nude, I wasn't sure what to do with it.  The China Glaze isn't apart of NPLB. It added just what I needed to say, "I like my nails today!"

My application sucked. :( I'm working on it!

Seriously, this paint does NOT want to dry, even with Seche Vite top coat. Not sure whats going on, but its driving me nuts. 

I ended up liking this polish (not loving like in pt. 1). If I ever need a break from vibrant colors, this will be a go to. 


  1. I think that it is very pretty! I love what the addition of Fairy Lights does for the polish! :)

  2. its been some getting used to but i like it more now than i did when i posted the blog. the pictures really don't show the color but i didn't want to spend all day photographing my nails lol
