Monday, April 16, 2012

"No Polish Left Behind" Pt.1

Part 1.

I am trying to force myself to use all the polishes I already own, before buying more. I have between 10-20 that have never been used on my nails and I just don't want my beauties to be forgotten!

So, because of that, I have decided to do several blogs in a row featuring bottles that were purchased and never used. I am calling it, No Polish Left Behind. This is Part 1.

I have a slight obsession with Essie. I feel the need to own them all, and so I just keep buying them. I love their cute little shaped bottles, which fit together in drawers perfectly and their awesome color selections. Some of Essie's polishes definitely have better coverage than others, but I don't mind having to apply 3 coats to get the solid look.  China Glaze is another brand that I own a decent amount of for the color selection.

These two I've had for about two weeks. Not really a lengthy time but long enough to warrant usage.
The China Glaze accent nail is from their new collection called Prismatic Chroma Glitters. It caught my eye instantly when I saw it in the store. Indoors it looks mostly like light blue sparkles with the smallest amount of multi-colored glitter. Outdoors it has a much more dimensional coloring to it. Almost a lavender holo look. I love it outside, and also compliments the Essie color better in the sun. I only put one coat on over one coat of the Bangle Jangle, so it will be interesting to see the difference the next time I use and do a couple coats.

The main color is Essie's "Bangle Jangle". It was a clearance buy at Ulta for 3 bucks. I swear, my favorite colors were all bought on the clearance rack. This one is now easily in my Top 5. I was not expecting it to be, but its so...calming. I feel so at peace and pretty at the same time when I look down at my hands. It took 2 coats of application, and its very lavender. 
China Glaze-"Liquid Crystal" and Essie-"Bangle Jangle"

Essie Bangle Jangle And China Glaze Liquid Crystal

I sure wish that you could see the color dimensions of the Liquid Crystal. Pictures don't do it justice. I do like it but I'm not sure I will be running out to buy the others in the collection. I would like to find a holo that i swoon over!

Thumb Nail, natural light

I'm SO happy I started this little challenge for myself because I ended up with a new favorite polish that had been sadly overlooked due to my buying obsession. Who knew?! I'm glad I didn't leave these polishes behind. 

Part 1. Complete. ;)


  1. Love this combo! My nails currently look like a purple version of this!

  2. Thank you! The color kind of reminds me of a prom dress!
